Mr Kallinikos Tsolias

Kallinikos Tsolias gained a ‘Higher Diploma in Telecommunications and Information Technology’, from Intercollege Nicosia, with a scholarship from Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA). After that he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering, in 2008, from the University of Nicosia and continued with his Master’s Degree in Electrical Power Systems Engineering in Manchester University, in 2009.

He holds a professional license for Electrical and Electronics Engineer from ETEK and he also holds a license for Refrigeration and Heating, Category I, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment.

Kallinikos has been teaching at Intercollege since 2013, for Computer Technology and Electrical Technician, teaching Digital Systems, Network Cabling, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electrical Electronic and Digital Circuits Lab, Electronic Circuits and Communications. Furthermore, he currently teaches Basic Principles of Electricity and Special Topics in Physics for ‘Automotive Engineering’, ‘Mechanical Installation Technician’ and ‘Aesthetics’ Study Programs.